Hints For Making Your IPad Even Better

You surely want to use more features on your iPad, but you may not know how. You can use it for so much more than gaming. There are lots of great things that your iPad allows you to do. Start learning more about it using this article.

Monitor how much you spend on iPad apps. It is so simple to use your iTunes application that you can rack up a huge bill without realizing it. Make sure you monitor how much you spend.

The email app will show you the first two lines of an email’s text unless you change this setting. You can change this to see more, if you so desire. You can do this by choosing the mail icon in settings. Open the mail tab in the settings app, then navigate to Contacts > Calendar. Once there, choose the number of lines to preview using the “preview mail” option.

“Ding!” Does the chiming of your iPad whenever you receive another email drive you crazy? You can turn this notification off. Go into your settings, then choose the general tab. Select Sounds below the General tab. Now you can disable the mail sounds or fix the level.

You must understand how to maintain your iPad correctly. Firstly, you must keep the iPad away from the sun, and make sure it’s not locked in your car when it’s hot. The battery can be damaged if it gets too hot. You also want to guarantee that your iPad does not come in contact with moisture as this could cause it to short circuit. Buy a type of padded cover to add protection to the iPad.

Do you use Google calender? Would you like to incorporate it into your iPad calender? In the Mail tab, go to contacts, then calenders. Select Add an Account, then tap Other. You will see an icon that says Add CalDAV Account. Tap this to enter your Google information. Once done, click the calendar app. You should all be there.

Now that you know a bit more about the workings of your new iPad, you are all set to start exploring this amazing piece of technology. It really is amazing how much the iPad can do. With so many features, mastering the iPad takes a little dedication and the willingness to stay on top of tech trends. There are always going to be newer applications, and your iPad will now be easier to use.

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